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Year 2018 / Genres Short / Dhuha Ramadhani

Ok I can understand how in the 80s, no one really knew about the Amityville haunting, so those movies were good. but come on, its 2015, how do you not know about that house that YOUR moving into. And i jizz in my pants. YESSSSSSS. The trailer said in 1974 the owner shot and killed is whole family WRONG. it was the eldest son.  Ronald defeo.

Inspired by true events Yeah, this is soooooooo true.
I was subscribed for SO LONG waiting for this, and BOY am i exited, Ogrypt thank you for getting back in the groove of things.
😍😍Im so excited.


Yasss another masterpiece in the making.

Duude i can't wait. this is too good oh goshhh. I don't get why we have to wait till 2017 to watch this movie. they finished filming in 2014 so wtf. Holy crap that looks awesome.


8/2014: Trailer drops. 10/2017: Movie releases. What the hell happened in this film's production to have the trailer come out more than 3 years before the film's release.





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